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Today we sat down with Vincent Wu, our property manager, discussing how COVID-19 is affecting our lives.

Apart from costing people their jobs, and even homes, the impact he is concerned with the most is actually people's health, especially mental health.

According to Vincent, someone he knew had depression recently and just passed away two weeks ago. He also had a tenant who couldn't be contacted which made him really concerned.

According to Australian Government, Department of health, self-isolation and quarantine during the lockdown can be stressful and impact our mental health and wellbeing. Many people feel distressed and overwhelmed by the constant news and amount of information about the situation.

You might be unable to see your family or friends, you may worry about your income, you may feel scared of the possibilities of being sick... there may be a lot of reasons to make you feel stressed and even depressed. But please remember, everything will be okay and it is absolutely normal to feel a range of emotions, such as stress, worry, anxiety, or boredom.

Here are some tips for you to help look after your mental health.

  • Stay active for a healthy mind
  • Eat well for a healthy mind
  • Get a good night's sleep
  • Stay hydrated: ease back on caffeine and alcohol
  • Take time to relax and feed your mind
  • Social connection during social distancing

Remember to seek help from professional facilities/people if you feel you could be depressed.

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